For sysmind social engagement is equally important as the close cooperation with our customers. For many years already, sysmind has been supporting a variety of social projects, assisting regional associations, institutions and foundations with donations in kind and money.
January 2025
Hamburg Animal Welfare
Again a year has passed, however our social engagement does not stop.
At sysmind regional organizations are especially close to our hearts, and there are quite a few of those that are in need of support.
At the beginning of the new year we therefore decided to promote the Hamburger Tierschutzverein von 1841 e.V. (Hamburg society for the prevention of cruelty to animals) with a charitable donation.
Together we aim to foster the wellbeing of animals and nature, and to hopefully make a difference.
January 2025
Livesaving Association Altona
As a hanseatic company we keep on wondering how we can improve our support of our district and its’ inhabitants even more, and what really matters to the people.
To us safety is an important matter and thus we stumbled upon DLRG district Altona (German livesaving association).
With a monetary donation we hope to ensure that the DLRG can continue to carry out their important work at the beach and in the surrounding area the best way possible.
August 2024
sysmind Continues Their Commitment to Amateur Soccer
In August 2024 sysmind once again shows their commitment to amateur soccer. We are delighted to support the 2011 C-youth team of TuS Appen with a generous donation. The young talents can look forward to new tricots, which will accompany them on their way to many sporting successes. We are proud to make a contribution to the promotion of youth sports and wish the TuS Appen team much success and lots of unforgettable moments on the field.
March 2024
Sponsor of the HSV Women
sysmind is proud to support HSV women’s soccer and together send a strong message for equality and diversity. We are looking forward to the partnership as an official sponsor of the HSV women and are confident that the season in the 2nd Women’s Bundesliga will continue to be successful!
January 2024
Sponsoring for the Niendorfer TSV
Masterly play demands masterly performance! The C-juniors of Niendorfer TSV were promoted to the national league in December as top of the table. With a goal difference of 23:3, the team dominated the league. sysmind is all about working with the best – which is why we support the best with a new set of training jackets. We are delighted to be your sponsor and wish you a successful season!
October 2023
Sponsoring for the Harburg Soccer Community
At sysmind, we are always looking for new ways to expand our social commitment. Our next step: sponsoring! And what could be better than supporting regional soccer? We have therefore decided to provide financial support to the super seniors of the Harburg soccer community (SV Grün-Weiss Harburg, FSV Harburg-Rönneburg & Harburger TB) in October 2023. The result is impressive, as the photos of the team prove. We are delighted to be your sponsor, dear soccer community Harburg!
September 2023
Für die Opfer in Libyen und Marokko
Die Flutkatastrophe in Libyen sowie zuvor das Erdbeben in Marokko haben uns alle sehr erschüttert. Daher haben wir von sysmind uns umgehend und einhellig dazu entschieden, mit monetären Spenden zu helfen. Die Katastrophenhilfe Deutschland schien uns dazu am geeignetsten.*
Mögen die Menschen in beiden Ländern schnell Hilfe bekommen.
*Auch Sie können helfen:
August 2023
Kindertagesstätten Luthergemeinde
Unser langjähriger Partner und Hersteller Fujitsu kam auf uns zu und fragte uns nach einem geeigneten Sachspenden-Empfänger für ein hochwertiges Notebook. Wir haben uns sogleich an die netten Menschen der Kindertagesstätten Luthergemeinde erinnert und wollten diese damit beglücken. Der Fujitsu Account Manager Herr Alexander Gütschow, hat die Übergabe an Herrn Jan Christensen, Leiter der Kindertagesstätten Luthergemeinde, im Beisein unserer werten Kollegen Herrn Jedamski und Herrn Cuius vollzogen.
Wir freuen uns immer auch gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern Gutes zu tun!
April 2023
movego youth welfare service
At sysmind, we support many social projects, but local organizations are particularly close to our hearts. Above all, children and young people deserve to have access to the latest innovations and the technology of tomorrow. This is how we create sustainable opportunities and interests for the next generation and all of our future.
With this in mind, sysmind recently donated a CISCO whiteboard to movego youth welfare service. Our hardworking trainees took care of the installation and a detailed instruction on how to use it.
The whiteboard is very well received by the visitors and is already in constant use. We hope you continue to have fun with it!
February 2023
Ein Herz für Kinder for the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria
The horrible earthquake and the following images from Turkey and Syria did not leave us unaffected.
sysmind’s help came fast and unbureaucratic with donations in money and kind.
This way we want to make a contribution to provide a little support for the people on location and to ease their suffering.
February 2023
Day-Care-Center Luthergemeinde
Again we look back on a year (2022) and tell ourselves: “Same procedure as every year but this time not only because of Christmas…”
Our annual motto: “Think global, but local is Hero.” Thus, we decided to support the day-carecenters of Luthergemeinde (Lutherhöhe 22 & Lyserstraße 25) with a monetary donation. We hope to offer support to the youngest of the young in our town!
Kind greetings to the pastor Björn Begas, as well as to the colleagues of the nursery, Christine Raabe & Jan Christensen.
Januar 2023
Lüneburger Tafel e.V.
Es gibt natürlich viele Institutionen und Katastrophen wofür man spenden könnte. Aber man muss sich im Klaren darüber sein, wo und wie man genau helfen kann.
sysmind hat sich Gedanken gemacht zu einer Anfrage, die uns aus Lüneburg ereilte. In diesem Fall haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, das Projekt zur unterstützen. Wir können mit Stolz verkünden, als Partner der Lüneburger Tafel, diese für 12 Monate monetär zu unterstützen.
September 2022
The THS Charity Run
We are very aware of our social responsibility and that is why we again made a monetary donation to this year’s THS Charity Run of Pinneberg’s secondary school.
Motto: Do good and talk about it!
February 2022
Relief Operation for the Ukraine
We all remember the horrible images of the day 24.02.2022 – an invasion caused by a war of aggression of the Russian Federation on the Ukraine.
The happenings did bother us to an extent at which we as sysmind wanted to help immediately. Through instant donations in money and kind, sysmind has shown genuine support and solidarity with the victims of this awful war.
We cannot simply look away and do nothing, as TAKING ACTION is our MOTTO!
September 2021
Appen Musiziert e.V.
It is time to open our eyes!
The dignity of the child is inviolable. Every child has the right to be protected from violence of their parents or other perpetrators.
Don’t look away! – Help!
sysmind is a proud partner of the association: No violence against children and adolescents.
Since its founding in 1990, the Appen Musiziert e.V. has been committed to the welfare of sick children. By organizing benefit concerts, the association has meanwhile raised over 6,5 million euros for seriously ill children.
In autumn 2021, sysmind donates to Appen Musiziert, because the well-being of all children is very important to us, and we do not tolerate violence against children!
January 2021
…Think Local, But Global is Hero
That’s probably how we would describe it, because we all know about the good resolutions at the end of every year.
At sysmind we reflected on this and thought, why not turn the whole thing around and start the new year 2021 with a GOOD RESOLUTION or even better with a DONATION for local institutions?
Then we immediately went into action and implemented our idea, because we do not support “would, should, would have or could help”, but simply “DOING”. Thus, we support the smallest of our local society and can this way really help with our donation.
….as the saying goes:
Who saves a single life, saves the whole world!
#HerzKinderHilfeHamburgeV #donors #sysmind #doinggood #DOING
December 2020
Meine Elbe-Patenschaft
The Elbe is a special river. It is one of the last relatively natural rivers in Central Europe and has a close connection to Hamburg, so we feel obliged to protect it. For this reason, sysmind has concluded a sponsorship in cooperation with Jürgen Schneider IT Service Management and is committed to the protection of the river and its floodplains.
September 2020
Bethanien Kinderdorf
In cooperation with Colt Technology Services Ltd., in 2020 sysmind donated to the Children’s Village Schwalmtal. The donation is used to support children and young people who, for various reasons, can no longer live with their biological families, thus giving the children a new home in a family-like atmosphere. This creates a good foundation for a healthy confidence in life.
March 2020
Zusammen für den HSV!
As part of the initiative „Zusammen für den HSV” (“Together for HSV!”), sysmind proved its strong HSV spirit and waived all previously made ticket payments. HSV says thank you. As an HSV family we have mastered all challenges together so far. In order to cope with this currently very intensive time, HSV started the initiative together with solidary partners:
„Zusammen für den HSV” – “Together for HSV!”
September 2019
Karabuni Charity Run
This year, sysmind again participated in a charity run. The run we supported was the THS Karibunilauf. It is a fundraising campaign initiated by “Karibuni e.V.”, which benefits orphans in Karatu. The aim is to give the children the chance of a self-determined life through education and individual support.
June 2019
This year sysmind again supported the Walter-Pein-Tournament in Appen. The charity tournament takes place annually in coordination between TuS Appen and Appen Musiziert. With the donations Appen Musiziert supports different organizations like “Stiftung KinderHerz” or “INITIATIVKREIS” for children suffering from cancer.
sysmind is already looking forward to next year!
June 2019
My Cool Role Models
Nowadays, we spend more and more time in front of our screens. This especially applies to children. Therefore, sysmind is very pleased to support the International Police Association with the coloring book “My Cool Role Models”. The book teaches children about the responsibilities and tasks of our German police and rescue forces and is intended to encourage them to treat officers with respect and to develop social commitment. The coloring activities help to engage children in a traditional way, and to awaken interest in being a role model for others themselves by always taking responsibility.
October 2018
Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter
In 2018, sysmind was happy to support the BDK’s prevention brochure “Safe Childhood”. The brochure puts an emphasis on the topic of child abuse and the possibility to recognize these terrible crimes against the weakest in our society more easily, and to sensitize all responsible parties.
“Parents and schools should empower children to trust themselves more than others, to give their view of things more weight than the one of adults.”
September 2018
Herzenswünsche e.V.
In cooperation with Colt Technology Services Ltd., in 2018 sysmind made a donation to Herzenwünsche e.V. This fundraising campaign aims to help seriously ill children fulfill their heart’s desire, with the goal of giving sick children and young people back their strength and courage to face life by fulfilling their most fervent wish.
June 2018
Voluntary Fire Brigade Appen
Supporting voluntary work also plays an important role for sysmind. For this reason, in 2018 sysmind donated new IT equipment to the voluntary fire brigade in Appen, in order to provide the volunteers with a more modern “workplace”.
June 2017
Apprenticeship Cooperation AWO
Since 2017, sysmind has been in an apprenticeship cooperation with the AWO (Landesverband Hamburg e.V.). Through this cooperation, we offer trainees the opportunity to integrate into our company and benefit from a modern, flexible workplace.
November 2016
TuS Appen
sysmind stands with its social responsibility on both a small and a large scale.
For this reason, in November 2016 the management team of sysmind decided to donate new jerseys to the TuS Appen 1947 for the successful 1st and 2nd F-soccer youths.
We are very happy to have elicited a joyful smile from the little stars of “tomorrow” by giving them the complete equipment. We wish both teams continued success in the hunt for cups and medals.
May 2015 & 2016
Sternenbrücke / Municipal Fire Brigade Hamburg
In cooperation with the municipal fire department Hamburg, station 11 in the Adimiralitätsstraße, in both 2015 and 2016 with pleasure sysmind donated corresponding amounts of money to the children’s hospice Sternenbrücke. The children’s hospice Sternenbrücke accompanies affected families in the context of relief care on the long illness journey of the children, to enable them a strength-saving recovery phase and to give the children joy and courage.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hamburg fire department, and in particular Station 11, for their social commitment. We would also like to express our gratitude to all employees of the Sternenbrücke children’s hospice for their daily commitment and continuous dedication.
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